Pest Control Ovilla, TX Specialists Tips on Year-Long Pest Defense Strategies and Principles

We are all getting ready for the summer beauty that is about to take over our lawns and gardens. But together with summer, pests are making a huge comeback as well. They tend to feed on our gorgeous flowers, plants, trees and crops and they are sometimes very hard to get rid of. Of course, the biggest and most annoying problem with pests is that they are not at all seasonal attackers, but can threaten us all year long. Today, our pest control Ovilla, TX specialists decided to remind you the strategies and principles you should employ on the long term to keep pests at bay and fend them off as much as you can.

1. Use Professional Pest Control Means

In case you didn’t know, statistics show that homeowners use three times more pesticides on their lawns and gardens than farmers use on their crops. The abuse of pesticides on your residential property can lead to tremendous negative effects upon your health, the wildlife and the environment. Our pest control Ovilla, TX specialists recommend you use professional pest control teams who use tailored substances. These are harmless and designed to fit your lawn’s features and needs, without endangering edibles, pets, children and the micro-ecosystem on your property.

2. Keep Everything Clean and Tidy

Just like house pests are attracted to dirty dark areas, the lawn and garden pests thrive in an unclean environment. One of the best ways to keep Texan pests at bay is to keep your property neat. Remove the debris, weeds, dead leaves and twigs, wood piles, infected plants and so on, as they will only make safe haven for pests to multiply.

3. Use Organic Mulch and Fertilizers

Clean and organic mulch and bio fertilizers keep off many pests away from your property. Seaweed mulch is known to be a solid defense against slugs. Mulch keeps your soil moist and healthy and allows plants to develop strong roots. In turn, this helps plants fight off pests, plant-specific diseases and occasional environmental damages.

4. Rotate Crops and Interplant Vegetation

Pests are rarely plant-specific. Our pest control Arlington, TX specialists insist on crop rotation once a year to minimize pests’ impact on larger areas. Interplant veggies with flowers, herbs and spices with decorative plants to create a natural pest barrier.

5. Water with Care

Our pest control Ovilla, TX specialists advise you to install drip irrigation systems to minimize the pests’ attacks all year long. Have your local lawn care Ovilla, TX team to design you a watering schedule tailored according to your soil type, turf species and plants you grow. Never water in the evening; this is the golden rule of efficient lawn care.

6. Welcome Companion Insects

Almost all pests have natural predators and many are companion insects which help your property thrive. Have your local pest control Ovilla, TX team give you a crash course on brachonids, chalcids and ichneumon wasps, ladybugs, nematodes, lacewings and praying mantis. You can attract these beneficial insects by planting certain flowers and grasses. They will keep pests at bay, help with pollination and make your property buzz with color and life.

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