Integrated Landscapes: 3 Companion Veggies Recommended by Our Lawn Care Arlington, TX Experts

A while ago we focused on topics such as functional gardens, eco-friendly landscaping, organic fertilization and compost production, among others. Our lawn care Arlington, TX experts were also asked about the best vegetables to grow on a property to combine them with vegetal décor. Today, they are joined by their landscaping Cedar Hill, TX colleagues to give you a list of three vegetables you can grow for cooking and for looks. Moreover, these three veggies make a triad of companion plants which protect each other, growing plentifully together with some other flowers and herbs.

1. Tomatoes

If you have a drip landscaping irrigation system on your property, you don’t have to worry about anything if you decide to grow tomatoes. If you remember our previous article on Epsom Salt, you know now that you can use this organic fertilizer to grow bigger, stronger and a lot sweeter tomatoes.

Beyond their exquisite look, you will have fresh salads on your table all summer long. For a fully integrated vegetable landscape and more organic-focused gardening, plant chives at the base of the tomatoes to keep insects at bay. If you also plant marigolds around your tomato garden or in between rows, you will achieve a spectacular landscape design and you will protect the crops from nematodes.

2. Carrots

Tomatoes and carrots love each other and make incredible companion plants together. Tomatoes protect carrots from heat – which they are sensitive to. In turn, carrots push the soil, so tomatoes get more air, water, sun rays and fertilizers to their roots’ system. The only thing you need to know if you decide to plant tomatoes and carrots together is that they need some distance between them (15 inches will suffice) – tomatoes can sometimes stunt the carrots’ growth. In companion gardening, our lawn care Mansfield TX experts say you should know that carrots have many pals among veggies, scented herbs, and flowers: radishes, rosemary, sage, beans, onions and peppers, and others.

3. Cucumbers

Grow your cucumbers in full sunlight and remember to drain the soil correctly. Eaten raw or pickled, cucumbers make a great addition to your vegetable garden and an interesting green addition to the looks of your yard. Cucumbers yield generous crops when trellised – this also allows easy harvesting procedures. When planting cucumbers, some gardeners recommend planting them at a distance from the tomatoes, but close to the carrots.

When you plant carrots, spread some dill in between rows and clusters, as dill is a great pest repellent. The marigolds you already added around your garden to protect the tomatoes are also great companion plants for cucumbers as well. Also, among cucumbers’ close companions are nasturtium, oregano, tansy, and cabbage.

Achieve a functional, gorgeous and thriving veggie garden and landscape and ask your local lawn care Arlington, TX experts for their advice on planting them. You can benefit from fresh vegetables and herbs, while revamping the looks of your landscape.

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